Bross Filigree
Handcrafted brooches.
Uniquely handcrafted copper brooches with combination of natural gemstone,
in copper, silver, or gold finish for your unique taste.
Fit for party or formal dinner or any occasion. It is a fashion statement.
we offer you only the finest quality products
Uniquely handcrafted copper brooches with combination of natural gemstone,
in copper, silver, or gold finish for your unique taste.
Fit for party or formal dinner or any occasion. It is a fashion statement.
we offer you only the finest quality products
About TOKO Bross filigree
Toko Bross filigree is an online store that provides you with finest quality handicraft products of Kotagede Yogyakarta. Toko Bross filigree specialized in filigree brooches for ladies, made from copper with copper or silver finish. here, you will find products with uniquely filigree designs, that have beautifully minute details.
Toko Bross filigree adalah toko online yang menyediakan produk kerajinan tangan kualitas terbaik produksi Kotagede Yogyakarta. Toko Bross filigree khususnya menjual produk asesoris wanita yaitu bros dari bahan tembaga dengan finishing tembaga bakar, atau finishing perak. Kelebihan dari produk2 yang dijual Toko Bross filigree adalah desain filigree, dengan detail yang cantik dan menawan.
About TOKO Bross filigree
aquamarine handmade