Bross Filigree

Handcrafted brooches.
Uniquely handcrafted copper brooches with combination of natural gemstone,
in copper, silver, or gold finish for your unique taste.
Fit for party or formal dinner or any occasion. It is a fashion statement.
we offer you only the finest quality products

How To Order

Please inform your order by email to,  or call or text to +628562580007. Minimum order is 5pcs per item. Payment to Yogo Ikhsanto, BNI Sebelas Maret bank account  Nr. 33 896 144.
Please note that the price stated IS NOT INCLUDED the shipping fares.Your orders will be processed after the money transfer is received.

Untuk pemesanan, silakan kirim email ke, atau telepon atau sms ke 08562580007. Minimum pemesanan 5pcs per item. Pembayaran melalui transfer bank ke BNI cabang Sebelas Maret no rek 33 896 144 an Yogo Ikhsanto. Pesanan akan diproses setelah transfer diterima. Harga yang dicantumkan TIDAK TERMASUK ongkos kirim.